Today’s passage shows us that, if we ask deep questions and wrestle with painful doubts, we’re in good company. But today’s passage also shows us not to stay there.

The violence done to John the Baptist is not a reason to disbelieve Jesus. It is evidence that His kingdom has come.
The unbelief of Jesus' generation didn't catch Him off guard; rather, it was God's good pleasure to hide these things from the arrogant and reveal them to the humble.
Our rest is found primarily in a person - Jesus Christ who is gentle & lowly.
Jesus is our rest. Jesus saves us from trying to justify ourselves, save ourselves, earn our way into God's heart.
See Him, full of the spirit, proclaiming justice to the nations. See His humble love, giving safety to weak and broken people, including you.
Jesus has overwhelmed the darkness—and we have nothing to fear.
The "unforgivable sin" isn't something you do by accident.
The greater priest, greater prophet than Jonah, and the greater king than Solomon—the greater sign from heaven that you are looking for—is right in front of you.
Jesus gives us the incredible privilege of being His family.
We often think that the parables are nice stories to help people understand, but the reality is far from that idea...
Jesus is here to end the exile, and plant His people by His Word...