“Sit at My Right Hand.”
This verse is so significant because it answers an all-important question: if Jesus is the son of David, then where is He?
Nipawin, SK
This verse is so significant because it answers an all-important question: if Jesus is the son of David, then where is He?
What did I mean by the word “nationalism” in last Sunday’s message?
In Genesis 11, the Babel-builders say to themselves, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name
There’s a lot of hucksters around today who claim to perform miracles. It’s easy to be skeptical of so many of these claims, and that fact alone puts them in a different category than Jesus.
Pondering the oft-forgotten fourth verse of “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”
Familiarize yourself with a new song we’ll be singing on Sunday.
By trying to push God away, Israel found themselves closer to Him than ever before.
God has been building the story of redemption on the framework of His covenants from before the beginning of time itself.
Darwinism teaches that man came into the world because of death, and the Bible teaches that death came into the world because of man. Can these two views be reconciled?
Does God choose us because we choose Him, or the other way around?