As I’m sure you’re aware, our current Sunday morning sermon series is taking us through Proverbs 10-31. Given the unique structure of these chapters, instead of preaching through them verse-by-verse (like we’d usually do), we’ve collected together the various proverbs that address a particular theme. Each week we’re taking up one of those themes, and by the end of the series we’ll have covered the entire book.
Given that this series involved a number of different preachers, we didn’t have it completely planned out from the beginning. At this point we do have a good idea of what to expect in the coming weeks, and I thought I’d share a snapshot of that with you:
Aug. 14 – Work and Laziness
Aug. 21 – The Power of Words (Josh Bondoc preaching)
Aug. 28 – Contentment & Self-Control
Sept. 4 – The Royal Proverbs (dealing with the king and our response to authority)
Sept. 11 – On Godly Husbands and Wives
Sept. 18 – “This Is Our God” (The series conclusion: what Proverbs tells us about God and our response to Him)
I look forward to continuing to learn with you in these coming weeks!