A Proverbs Series Update

What’s coming up in the next few weeks.

Chris Hutchison on August 9, 2022

As I’m sure you’re aware, our current Sunday morning sermon series is taking us through Proverbs 10-31. Given the unique structure of these chapters, instead of preaching through them verse-by-verse (like we’d usually do), we’ve collected together the various proverbs that address a particular theme. Each week we’re taking up one of those themes, and by the end of the series we’ll have covered the entire book.

Given that this series involved a number of different preachers, we didn’t have it completely planned out from the beginning. At this point we do have a good idea of what to expect in the coming weeks, and I thought I’d share a snapshot of that with you:

Aug. 14 – Work and Laziness
Aug. 21 – The Power of Words (Josh Bondoc preaching)
Aug. 28 – Contentment & Self-Control
Sept. 4 – The Royal Proverbs (dealing with the king and our response to authority)
Sept. 11 – On Godly Husbands and Wives
Sept. 18 – “This Is Our God” (The series conclusion: what Proverbs tells us about God and our response to Him)

I look forward to continuing to learn with you in these coming weeks!

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