Known By God

May 28, 2023
In Genesis 1 & 2, we read the story of how God created the heavens and the earth and everything on the earth. And He created Adam and Eve in…
This understanding brings the resurrection of Jesus from “back there somewhere” right into the here and now. Every day gets to be Resurrection Day in your heart as the Holy Spirit brings you right into contact with the power and the presence of the risen Lord.
If we didn’t know how this ended, we’d be really worried. And even though most of us do know how this ends, I trust that this passage's plot twist will encourage us with God’s power to do what He wants in spite of our best efforts to get in His way.
Sodom and Gomorrah, set within the bigger story of the Bible, is about fire and brimstone—and mercy. If you know Jesus, this is a mercy you’ve tasted, a mercy that you need fresh each morning, and a mercy that you get to share with a needy world.
Today we stop and remember that before Sodom was destroyed, it was interceded for. We marvel that God deliberately gave Abraham the opportunity to do this. And from this we learn a great deal about prayer in our own lives today.