There were no failing words among all of the promises of God. That was good news for the people of God in Joshua’s day, and this is good news for the people of God today, whose very lives, just like theirs, depend no less upon God’s promises.
As we get into our second week of Joshua today, it’s helpful for us to remember what kind of a book Joshua is. To many students of the Bible today,…
There is more to the story about Rahab and the spies than you might think.
God keeps us faithful not mainly by wowing us with fresh miracles every week, but by helping us remember the miracles He's already done.
Knowing that God is and will be faithful, we can go into our week trusting Him and obeying Him even when doing so seems crazy. He has not abandoned His people before, and this week will be no exception.
Today is one of those Sundays where we come to a very familiar passage of Scripture. This is among the most well-known passages in the Old Testament. And so I’m…
Because Jesus took our sin and shame and bore our sorrows, we should have no shame in confessing or dealing with the sin in our midst.
A battle, a worship service, and three enduring lessons for the people of God today.
If Joshua could be taken in by the Gibeonites, you and I need to be careful about the ways we can be deceived. Thankfully, God hasn't left us to figure this out on our own.
These two chapters, taken together, give us a rich portrayal of the sovereignty—the absolute royal power—of our God.
Nine chapters, one God, two possible ways of responding to Him.
Joshua 22 shows us that we need to be ready for conflict, if necessary, but we should work to avoid it, if at all possible.